Welcome to episode six of Let’s Start From The Beginning with this episode’s guest, Cameron Cintron, from Blue Street Studios!

The episode also marks the milestone that I’ve officially been doing this for half a year now, which means there are only six episodes left for the season!

You can listen to the audio version below on Spotify:

Or you can visit the Spotify for Podcasters page (previously Anchor) to listen to this on Spotify for Podcasters and other platforms as they get pushed out https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/start-from-the-beginning.

Cameron’s Links:

Blog: ⁠https://cscgamedesign.blogspot.com/⁠

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@letsmakegames7729⁠

Books Referenced:

AI for Games: ⁠https://www.amazon.com/AI-Games-Third-Ian-Millington/dp/0367670569/


My name is Tony, and I’m an Experience Designer with 8+ years of experience in design and development. At heart, I am a developer first and a designer second. I enjoy creating interactive experiences, but I also enjoy designing and learning about the user’s experiences.

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